On Friday, I have been started to play with FMN

Currently, there is a fedmsg consumer that listens to the messages coming from all over the Fedora infrastructure, then based on the preferences set in FMN's web UI it decides whether to send a notification and how.

There has been thoughts on reworking the process to allow splitting it over multiple nodes.

The idea is to do something like this:

                                +-> worker -+          these senders
                                |           |          just do simple I/O
                                |           |
                                +-> worker -+          +-> email sender
                                |           |          |
                                |           |          |
fedmsg -> fmn consumer -> redis +-> worker -+-> redis -+-> IRC sender
                                |           |          |
                                |           |          |
                                +-> worker -+          +-> GCM sender
                                |           |
                                |           |
                                +-> worker -+

My question was how to divide the message coming among the different worker. So I adjusted the consumer a little to forward each message received to a different redis channel.

The code looks something like:

            i = random.randint(0, self.workers-1)
            log.debug('Sending to worker %s' % i)
            self.redis[i].publish('%s' % i, json.dumps(raw_msg))

We're randomly picking one of the worker from the N workers we know are available (for my tests: 4).

Sounds simple enough right? But will it spread the load between the workers evenly?

So over the week-end I left my test program running.

This is the output collected:

  • worker 0: 126468 messages received
  • worker 1: 126908 messages received
  • worker 2: 126993 messages received
  • worker 3: 126372 messages received

This makes a total of 506741 messages received over the week-end and the load is spread among the workers as such:

  • worker 0: 24.95713% of the messages
  • worker 1: 25.04396% of the messages
  • worker 2: 25.06073% of the messages
  • worker 3: 24.93818% of the messages

Looks good enough :)

Next step, splitting the code between fmn.consumer, fmn.worker and fmn.backend (the one doing the IO) and figuring out how to deal with the cache.