Every once in a while we make changes to dist-git in the Fedora infrastructure. This means, we need to test our changes to make sure they do not break (ideally, at all).

These days, we are working on adding namespacing to our git repos so that we can support delivering something else than rpms (the first use-case being, docker). So with the current set-up we have, we added namespacing to pkgdb which remains our main endpoint to manage who has access to which git repo (pkgdb being in a way a glorified interface to manage our gitolite). The next step there is to teach gitolite about this namespacing.

The idea is to move from:


To something like:


But, in order to keep things working with the current clone out there, we'll symlink the rpms namespace to one level higher in the hierarchy which should basically keep things running as they are currently.

So the question at hand is, now that we have adjusted our staging pkgdb and dist-git, how do we test that fedpkg still works.

This is a recipe from bochecha to make it easy to test fedpkg in staging while not breaking it for regular use.

It goes in three steps:

1. Edit the file /etc/rpkg/fedpkg.conf and add to it:

lookaside = http://pkgs.stg.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs
lookasidehash = md5
lookaside_cgi = https://pkgs.stg.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/upload.cgi
gitbaseurl = ssh://%(user)s@pkgs.stg.fedoraproject.org/%(module)s
anongiturl = git://pkgs.stg.fedoraproject.org/%(module)s
tracbaseurl = https://%(user)s:%(password)s@fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/login/xmlrpc
branchre = f\d$|f\d\d$|el\d$|olpc\d$|master$
kojiconfig = /etc/koji.conf
build_client = koji

2. Create a fedpkgstg (the name of the cli must be the same as the title of the section entered in the config file above)

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/fedpkg /usr/bin/fedpkgstg

3. call fedpkgstg to test staging and fedpkg to do your regular operation against the production instances

Thanks bochecha!