English version (Français ci-dessous)

I am glad to announce the new release of R2spec, the version 2.5.2.

This program aims at helping as much as possible people who wants to package R libraries.

At the end of this post you can find the changelog for this new release.

Feed back, bugs and suggestion are more than welcome either here or in https://fedorahosted.org/r2spec.


French version

Je vous annonce avec plaisir la sortie de la nouvelle version de R2spec (version 2.5.1).

Ce programme a pour but de faciliter au maximum la création de RPM pour les bibliothèques R.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous les changements de cette nouvelle version.

Retour, bogues et suggestions sont plus que les bienvenues soit ici soit sur https://fedorahosted.org/r2spec.


Version 2.5.2 -- 21st Mar 2009
-Features added
 * Do not ask to move the file if there is no %_topdir
 * Add option -c/--copyFile to copy the source to %_topdir without asking
 * Add the option -n/--name to specify the name of the packager
 * Add the option -e/--email to specify the email of the packager
 * Add the option -f/--force that create the spec file with the normal 
    name even if there is already such a file in the working directory
 * Add zip support
 * Remove the '(', ')' and the ',' in the BuildRequire and Require of the spec
 * Check if the source actually exists (it was about time...)
 * Better handling of the exception
 * Change %define to %global in the generated spec according to the new guidelines
-Bugs correction
 * Typo -> 'Copy to' and not 'copy in'
 * Change the comment on the spec for x86/x86_64 and noarch
 * Actually copy the source file to the SOURCES folder
 * The Source0 is not a template anymore it is either from -s or it is -u