A little while ago I presented a script allowing to search for the packages of a specified user and see which are missing from either anitya or are not being monitored in pkgdb2.

This script however, only check someone's packages and someone time we want to check a number of packages at once, eventually, all the packages matching a given template.

This new script does just that:

 $ python pkgs_not_in_anitya_2.py 'drupal-*'
   drupal-service_links                 Monitor=False   Anitya=False
   drupal-calendar                      Monitor=False   Anitya=False
   drupal-cck                           Monitor=False   Anitya=False
   drupal-date                          Monitor=False   Anitya=False
   drupal-workspace                     Monitor=False   Anitya=False
   drupal-views                         Monitor=False   Anitya=False

If you are interested, feel free to use the script