English version

As I was mentioning yesterday, I have been playing with the idea of a small dropbox-like/sparkleshare-like.

The idea is just to have a cron job running a python script whose job is just to retrieve all the changes from a remote repository and merge them with the change from your local copy.

How does it work ?

Simple, just put a list of git repo (they have to exist and be instanciated, as in they must have a master branch) separated by commas ',' into ~/.config/gitsync. Then you just have to run the gitsync script via a cron or just by hand.

Do that on the different machine you want to synchronize your information on and you're done :-)

And since you clone the git repo the first time and setup yourself which repo you want to keep in sync, you can synchronize different repositories on different machine. I synchronize my literature between my computer at work and my laptop (no need on the server), while I keep in sync my notes on all my machine.

Easy no?

It nicely integrates with gitolite if you have one set-up and as far as my tests went it seems to work fine.

Checkout the code on http://ambre.pingoured.fr/cgit/gitsync.git/ or the mirror on github: https://github.com/pypingou/gitsync